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Getting your money mindset right, with books!

Getting your mind wrapped around finances and wealth creation can be so daunting! So many of us grew up in homes where money was tight and “didn’t grow on trees”. We watched our parents struggle to make ends meet which is so easily translated into us struggling financially.


The school system is no better. I personally do not remember being taught about the tax code, investing, building an emergency fund or how to manage a budget. A financed based class early on would have opened my eyes to the magic of how investing early on would set me up for the rest of my life.


Well it’s not all doom and gloom, and there is no time like the present to work shit out! So without further ado I’d like to introduce you to 5 books that rocked my financial mindset and have helped me make some serious changes in my life:


Disclaimer: I am not a financial expert nor should this be viewed as advice, merely sharing my opinion.


  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad- Robert Kiyosaki – This book is a starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future.  It explores the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich, especially in a world where technology and a global economy are changing the rules. It also reminds us that we can’t count on the school system to teach us about money.
  2. Think & Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill – Originally published in 1937 this bestseller has been updated for the 21st century. The underlying theme of this book is the power of a shifted mindset. The author acknowledges numerous incredible “rags to riches” stories throughout the tale. These stories all come back to the same theme- a relentless pursuit of your dreams will put you so much further ahead of anyone else. Time and time again the ones that succeed are the ones determined to persevere through the hard times
  3. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing- John Bogle – Disclaimer this book reads like a text book and is very dry and boring. Honestly it is jammed full of data dictating why a long term investment in low cost index funds is the smartest way to guarantee gains. Of course it is written by John Bogle the pioneer of Vanguard and index funds but he makes great points without the book. This is the classic guide to getting smart about the stock market, by investing in the whole market and letting the magic of compounding interest take hold.
  4. I Will Teach You to be Rich- Ramit Sethi – This book is entertaining and educational! It is set up as a 6 week approach to getting your finances in order. Sethi isn’t interested in excuses, his approach is adaptable for anyone to start making small shifts towards financial control. He teaches you how to choose investments and the right bank accounts. Loaded with advice to negotiate bills, salary and real world testimonials of readers that have changed their finances. If you need a step by step approach to tackling your finances, this book is for you.
  5.  You Are a Badass at Making Money- Jen Sincero – If you are like “OMG puke a self help book gross” then Jen Sincero is the self helper for you! Her books are riddled with jokes and swear words and she is just soo relatable (I mean she had a punk band named “Crotch” lol). This book is focused on changing your mentality about money and what you “deserve”. So often our mindset about money is passed on from family and is rarely helpful. Sincero walks us through reversing these negative thought patterns and showing us just how powerful our minds truly are. Entertaining and enlightening, her books are literally for everyone that thinks the self help genre is “cringy”. 


I have found so much guidance and eye opening value in these books and I hope you can too! Changes don’t have to be massive to have an effect, in fact small changes that build up over time can result in some pretty amazing results. We often think that we need to see the prize now but overlook the realization that good things take time.


If you have any questions, shoot me an email at gaea@homebodygaea.com

Picture of Gaea KELCH


Gaea is a NorCal Native. After spending over 10 years in the Craft Beer Industry, Gaea wanted to find a way to help people improve their lives. Enter Real Estate!

She specializes in educating First Time Homebuyers in the Greater Sacramento area.

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hi! I'm Gaea!

I’m a craft beer enthusiast, horror fanatic living in Northern CA.

I’m passionate about helping newbies find home!

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